Is the Anti-Immigration law in Arizona a violation of Civil Rights due to the potential for racial profiling of non-whites?

Monday, May 3, 2010

MLB should change venues...

The latin community in the United States is one of the biggest supporters of Major League Baseball. If they continue their plan to have the 2011 All-Star game in Arizona, they should expect to lose a lot of fans... aka a lot of revenue!

Not only do I think they should move the 2011 All-Star game. All teams should move their Spring Training out of Arizona until they cange their racist ways!!!


  1. how about you take your politics to DC where they belong and support some god damn baseball?! stop putting the two together. you have the right to say how you feel about the law just like az has the right to make the law. it's called a free country. so let's boycott something that has nothing to do with it (yes, i understand, same state blah blah blah) because we don't agree with it? let's just ex-communicate az and any team that plays there while we're at it too... narrow-minded idiots. if you don't agree with the law, good you have the right not to. if you do agree with the law, good you have the right to. leave your political beliefs out of the great american past time.

  2. RAB, you are a fucking idiot. The MLB is the one talking about moving the game.

  3. Right on... Rab... I will take my shit... right to the Nationals ball park... You are a dumb muther fucker...
